Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What do you think?

At Catie's preschool each child is expected to bring a snack once or twice a month. If a student is having a birthday that month, they try to schedule snacks so that the child can bring in a birthday treat on or around his/her birthday.

There seems to be an unusual amount of birthdays in September among Catie's classmates. Consequently, she's had a birthday treat almost every time she's gone to preschool.

I would be okay if it was just a cupcake or two, but the moms have been bringing in favor bags too. Seriously? That's a little much, don't you think? I mean, it's preschool, not a birthday party.

Then, today, Catie came out of the classroom with yet another treat bag in her hand. I asked her who's birthday it was. (I'm trying to get her to learn and remember the kids' names in her class.) The woman walking in front of me turned around and said that she brought the snacks and her daughter's birthday isn't til December, but that everyone was bringing treat bags for the kids when it was their turn for snacks. Please tell me this lady was confused!

And, what if I don't bring treat sacks for the class on Catie's birthday? Does that make me a bad mom?


Anonymous said...

Here is my comment:
Make the time at preschool CATIE's Birthday party. Make the time at NICK's preschool HIS Birthday party. Then, just have a quiet celebration at home with just the 4 of you for the remainder of the celebration of them. What do you think about that?

P.S. Abouth a sack for every time it is your treat day--no way, take yourself and all the other mom's off the hook. Take some graham crackers and juice!

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to sign my comment.

Grandma Cindy