Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resolutions revisited

So, I'm taking this resolution thing slowly, one at a time. I'm thinking maybe focusing on one a month until it becomes part of my routine then moving on to the next (while keeping the old one too.)

I started with Bible reading and it's going well. I have a silly thing I'm not sure if I want to tell you or not, but if it helps someone that would be great. We moved our One-Year Bible to the bathroom. We both like reading in there, so why not? It's a great reminder when I reach for a magazine that I need to read the Bible first.

That said, here's what I read today that made me think:

Blessed is the man whom God corrects;
so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
For he wounds but he also binds up;
he injures but his hands also heal.

Job 5:17-18

FYI, we're reading from the One Year Chronological Bible, and the scholars think that Job was around the same time as the patriarchs, which is why I'm already there in January.

1 comment:

Zaankali said...

I decided to read through the bible this year also and am following the Chronilogical reading plan. I found an App on my iPhone so I can read it wherever I am and check it off when I'm done. Very cool.